Question A (10 pts)

1. Calculate \(\sum_{i=1}^{1000} \frac{1}{i^2}\) (5 pts)

## Your code
i <- 1:1000
result_A1 <- sum(1/i^2)
result$A1 <- result_A1 ## replace NULL with your answer (by replacing NULL with the variable containing your answer)

2. Fibonacci number follows the following recurrence relation:

\(F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}\). Given the seed value \(F_1 = 1\) and \(F_2 = 1\), what is \(F_{100}\)? (5 pts)

## Your code
N <- 100
F <- rep(NA, N)
F[1] <- 1
F[2] <- 1
for(n in 3:N){
  F[n] <- F[n-1] + F[n-2]

result$A2 <- F[N] ## replace NULL with your answer (by replacing NULL with the variable containing your answer)

Question B (10 pts)

1. In R base package, there is cars’ data. data(cars), plot speed (x axis) vs dist (y axis).

## Your code
plot(x=cars$speed, y = cars$dist, xlab="speed", ylab="dist", main="dist vs speed")

Question C (10 pts)

In R base package, there is mtcars’ data. data(mtcars)

1. Fit a linear model: treat mpg as response variable and cyl, disp, hp and drat as predictors. (5 pts)

## Your code
lmfit <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + disp + hp + drat, data=mtcars)

2. Find the p-value for cyl. (5 pts)

## Your code
pvalue <- summary(lmfit)$coefficients["cyl", "Pr(>|t|)"]

result$C2 <- pvalue ## replace NULL with your answer (by replacing NULL with the variable containing your answer)


Save your result as Rdata. So Auto grading can be performed.

The chunk of code will verify that the Rdata contains your name, GatorLinkID, answers to all questions

verify <- function(result){
  ## first verify your basic information, if not, error will come up.
    stop("firstName is missing")
  } else {
    cat("Name:", result$firstName, " ")
    stop("lastName is missing")
  } else {
    cat(result$lastName, "\n")
    stop("GatorLinkID is missing")
  } else {
    cat("GatorLinkID:", result$GatorLinkID, "\n")
    cat("You have no teammate\n")
  } else {
    cat("Your teammate is", result$teammate, "\n")

  ## second verify if you have provide an answer, if not, warning will come up.
  completeAnswer <- TRUE
  if(is.null(result$A1)) {
    warning("Question A1 is answered")
    completeAnswer <- FALSE
  if(is.null(result$A2)) {
    warning("Question A2 is answered")
    completeAnswer <- FALSE
  if(is.null(result$C2)) {
    warning("Question C2 is answered")
    completeAnswer <- FALSE
  if(completeAnswer) cat("Congratulations! All questions are answered!\n")


verify(result) ## verify your result
## Name: your first name  your last name 
## GatorLinkID: zhuo 
## You have no teammate
## Congratulations! All questions are answered!
save(result, file="hw0_Lastname_Firstname.Rdata") ## save your result

Homework should be uploaded to courseweb:

  1. Save your compiled result as html/pdf file. Rename the file name as: hw0_lastname_firstname.html or hw0_lastname_firstname.pdf.
  2. RMD file is not required.
  3. Save your result as Rdata and name it as hw0_lastname_firstname.Rdata.
  4. You can upload to courseweb (1 and 3) or 4.

If you generate a figure, please write appropriate figure title, labels, legend if necessary.

If your code is not intuitive, please write comments to make the code readible.