Biostatistical Computing, PHC 6068

Monte Carlo methods

Zhiguang Huo (Caleb)

Wednesday Nov 20, 2019

Sampling method

  1. Monte Carlo methods.
    • Direct sampling.
    • Rejection sampling.
    • Importance sampling.
    • Sampling-importance resampling.
  2. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC).
    • Metropolis-Hasting.
    • Gibbs sampling.


Our targets


A simulation approach

Problem: We want to estimate \[\mathbb{E}(g (x) | p^*(x)) = \int g(x) p^*(x) dx,\] Given distribution \(p^*(x)\).

Examples: \(\mathbb{E} (x | p^*(x))\) or \(\mathbb{V}\mbox{ar} (x | p^*(x))\)

Un-normalized density function problems

p <- function(x, a=.4, b=.08){
  res <- exp(a*(x-a)^2 - b*x^4)
  res[res < -4 | res > 4] <- 0
x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
plot(x,p(x),type="l",  main = expression(p(x) == exp (0.4(x-0.4)^{2}  - 0.08 * x^{4})))

integrate(f = p, lower = -4, upper = 4)
## 7.852178 with absolute error < 9.1e-06

Direct Sampling

x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
plot(x,p(x),type="l",  main = expression(p(x) == exp (0.4(x-0.4)^{2}  - 0.08 * x^{4})))

x2 <- seq(-4, 4, 0.1)
plot(x,p(x),type="n",  main = expression(p(x) == exp (0.4(x-0.4)^{2}  - 0.08 * x^{4})))

Rejection sampling

(e.g. \(p(x) = \exp [ 0.4(x-0.4)^2 - 0.08x^4 ]\))

  1. \(x \sim q^*(x)\)
  2. accept \(x\) with prob \(p(x)/c q^*(x)\):
    • Sample \(u \sim \mbox{UNIF}(0,1)\), accept if \(p(x)/c q^*(x) > u\).
  3. Repeat Step 1 and 2 many times.

Rejection sampling

x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
plot(x,p(x),type="l",  main = expression(p(x) == exp (0.4(x-0.4)^{2}  - 0.08 * x^{4})))

x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
qstar <- function(x, C = 30){
  C*dnorm(x,sd = 3) 
plot(x,p(x),type="l", ylim = c(0,5))
curve(qstar,add = T)
text(0, 5, expression({q^"*"} (x) == N (x , 0, 3^2) ))
text(0, 4.5, expression({cq^"*"} (x) == 30* N (x , 0, 3^2) ))
text(1, 2, expression(p(x) == exp (0.4(x-0.4)^{2}  - 0.08 * x^{4})))
x0 <- -2.5
N <- 10
for(i in 1:N){
  ay <- runif(1,0,qstar(x0))
  acol = ifelse(ay < p(x0),2,4)

Rejection sampling

Proof: \[\begin{align*} p^*(x) &= \frac{p(x)}{Z} \\ &= \frac{p(x)}{\int_x p(x) dx} \\ &= \frac{[p(x)/c q^*(x)]q^*(x)}{\int_x [p(x)/c q^*(x)]q^*(x)dx} \\ \end{align*}\]

Interpretation of the numerator:

Rejection sampling

## rejection sampling
#p <- function(x, a=.4, b=.08){exp(a*(x-a)^2 - b*x^4)}
x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.1)
qstar <- function(x){
  dnorm(x,sd = 3) 
# we can find M in this case:
C <- round(max(p(x)/qstar(x))) + 1; C
## [1] 28
# number of samples
N <- 1000
# generate proposals and u
x.h <- rnorm( N, sd = 3)
u <- runif( N )
acc <- u < p(x.h) / (C * qstar(x.h))
x.acc <- x.h[ acc ]
# how many proposals are accepted
sum( acc ) /N
## [1] 0.285
# calculate some statistics
c(m=mean(x.acc), s=sd(x.acc))
##          m          s 
## -0.6207873  1.4258200
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(2,2,1,1))

Discussion: What does the acceptance rate depend on?

Importance sampling

Importance sampling is not a method for generating samples from \(p(x)\) (target 1), it is just a method for estimating the expectation of a function \(g(x)\) (target 2).

Importance sampling, algorithm

\[\mathbb{E} (\phi (x) | p^* ) = \int \phi (x) p^*(x) dx\]

\[\begin{align*} \mathbb{E} (\phi (x) | p^* ) &= \int \phi (x) p^*(x) dx\\ &= \frac{\int \phi (x) p^*(x) dx}{\int p^*(x) dx}\\ &= \frac{\int [\phi (x) p(x)/Z] dx}{\int [p(x)/Z] dx}\\ &= \frac{\int [\phi (x) p(x)/q^*(x)] q^*(x) dx}{\int [p(x)/q^*(x)] q^*(x) dx}, \end{align*}\]

\[\hat{\mathbb{E}} (\phi (x) | p^* ) = \frac{\frac{1}{M} \sum_{m=1}^M[\phi (x_m) p(x_m)/q^*(x_m)] }{ \frac{1}{M} \sum_{m=1}^M[p(x_m)/q^*(x_m)]}\]

\(w(x_m) =\frac{p(x_m)}{q^*(x_m)}\)

\[\hat{\mathbb{E}} (\phi (x) | p^* ) = \frac{ \sum_{m=1}^M \phi(x_m) w(x_m)}{ \sum_{m=1}^M w(x_m)} \]

Importance sampling, examples

par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(2,2,2,1))

x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
plot(x,p(x),type="l",  main = expression(p(x) == exp (0.4(x-0.4)^{2}  - 0.08 * x^{4})))

phi <- function(x){ (- 1/3*x^3 + 1/2*x^2 + 12*x - 12) / 30 + 1.3}
x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
plot(x,phi(x),type="l",main= expression(phi(x)))

Underlying solution

\[\begin{align*} \mathbb{E} (\phi (x) | p^* ) &= \int \phi (x) p^*(x) dx\\ &= \frac{\int \phi (x) p^*(x) dx}{\int p^*(x) dx}\\ &= \frac{\int [\phi (x) p(x)/Z] dx}{\int [p(x)/Z] dx}\\ &= \frac{\int [\phi (x) p(x)] dx}{\int [p(x)] dx}\\ \end{align*}\]

ep <- function(x) p(x)*phi(x)
truthE <- integrate(f = ep, lower = -4, upper = 4)$value/integrate(f = p, lower = -4, upper = 4)$value
## [1] 0.6971733

Importance sampling, examples (2)

q.r <- rnorm
q.d <- dnorm

plot(x,q.d(x),type="l",main='sampler distribution Gaussian')
curve(p, from = -4,to = 4 ,col=2 ,  main = expression(p(x) == exp (0.4(x-0.4)^{2}  - 0.08 * x^{4})))

M <- 1000
x.m <- q.r(M)
ww <- p(x.m) / q.d(x.m)
qq <- ww / sum(ww)
x.g <- phi(x.m)
sum(x.g * qq)
## [1] 0.7022795

Number of samples for importance sampling

M <- 10^seq(1,7,length.out = 30)

result.g <- numeric(length(M))
for(i in 1:length(M)){
  aM <- M[i]
  x.m <- q.r(aM)
  ww <- p(x.m) / q.d(x.m)
  qq.g <- ww / sum(ww)
  x.g <- phi(x.m)
  result.g[i] <- sum(x.g * qq.g)/sum(qq.g)

plot(M,result.g,log = "x", main='importance sampling result Gaussian')
abline(h = truthE, col = 2)

Sampling from a narrow Gaussian distribution

q.r_narrow <- function(x){rnorm(x,0,1/2)}
q.d_narrow <- function(x){dnorm(x,0,1/2)}

plot(x,q.d_narrow(x),type="l",main='sampler narrow distribution Gaussian')
curve(p, from = -4,to = 4 ,col=2 ,  main = expression(p(x) == exp (0.4(x-0.4)^{2}  - 0.08 * x^{4})))

Number of samples for importance sampling (narrow Gaussian distribution)

M <- 10^seq(1,7,length.out = 30)

result.narrow <- numeric(length(M))
for(i in 1:length(M)){
  aM <- M[i]
  x.m <- q.r_narrow(aM)
  ww <- p(x.m) / q.d_narrow(x.m)
  qq.c <- ww / sum(ww)
  x.c <- phi(x.m)
  result.narrow[i] <- sum(x.c * qq.c)/sum(qq.c)
plot(M,result.narrow, log="x")
abline(h = truthE, col = 2)

Remarks for importance sampling

Importance resampling (SIR)


Implement importance resampling (SIR)

#p <- function(x, a=.4, b=.08){exp(a*(x-a)^2 - b*x^4)}
x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)

qstar <- function(x){,length(x))} ## proposal distribution: uniform distribution.
N <- 10000
S <- 1000
x.qstar <- runif( N, -4, 4 )
ww <- p(x.qstar) / qstar(x.qstar)
qq <- ww / sum(ww)
x.acc <-sample(x.qstar, size = S, prob=qq, replace=F)
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(2,2,1,1))


limitation of Monte Carlo method

Motivation of Metropolis-Hastings

Monte Carlo vs Markov Chain Monte Carlo