Zhiguang Huo (Caleb)
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Comparison between importance sampling and Metropolis-Hastings
Comparison between importance sampling and Metropolis-Hastings
\(\frac{p(x')}{q(x'|x)}/\frac{p(x)}{q(x|x')}\) is a ratio of importance sampling weights.
N <- 10000
x.acc5 <- rep.int(NA, N)
u <- runif(N)
acc.count <- 0
std <- 1 ## Spread of proposal distribution
xp <- 0; ## Starting value
for (ii in 1:N){
xc <- rnorm(1, mean=xp, sd=std) ## xp previous sample; xc: current sample
alpha <- min(1, (
p(xc) /dnorm(xc, mean=xp,sd=std) /
(p(xp) / dnorm(xp, mean=xc,sd=std))
x.acc5[ii] <- xp <- ifelse(u[ii] < alpha, xc, xp)
## find number of acccepted proposals:
acc.count <- acc.count + (u[ii] < alpha)
## Fraction of accepted *new* proposals
## [1] 0.7468
par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(2,2,1,1))
Trade off between acceptance rate and convergence.
N <- 1000
x.acc5 <- rep.int(NA, N)
u <- runif(N)
acc.count <- 0
std <- 1 ## Spread of proposal distribution
xp <- 8; ## Starting value
for (ii in 1:N){
xc <- rnorm(1, mean=xp, sd=std) ## xp previous sample; xc: current sample
alpha <- min(1, (
p(xc) /dnorm(xc, mean=xp,sd=std) /
(p(xp) / dnorm(xp, mean=xc,sd=std))
x.acc5[ii] <- xp <- ifelse(u[ii] < alpha, xc, xp)
## find number of acccepted proposals:
acc.count <- acc.count + (u[ii] < alpha)
## Fraction of accepted *new* proposals
## [1] 0.73
N <- 1000
x.acc5 <- rep.int(NA, N)
u <- runif(N)
acc.count <- 0
std <- 0.1 ## Spread of proposal distribution
xc <- 0; ## Starting value
for (ii in 1:N){
xp <- rnorm(1, mean=xc, sd=std) ## proposal
alpha <- min(1, (p(xp)/p(xc)) *
(dnorm(xc, mean=xp,sd=std)/dnorm(xp, mean=xc,sd=std)))
x.acc5[ii] <- xc <- ifelse(u[ii] < alpha, xp, xc)
## find number of acccepted proposals:
acc.count <- acc.count + (u[ii] < alpha)
## Fraction of accepted *new* proposals
## [1] 0.971
\[ A(x'|x) = \frac{p(x')q(x|x')}{p(x)q(x'|x)}\] \[ p(x)q(x'|x) A(x'|x) = p(x')q(x|x') \] \[ p(x)q(x'|x) A(x'|x) = p(x')q(x|x') A(x|x')\] \[ p(x)T(x'|x) = p(x')T(x|x') \] The last line is called detailed balance condition.
\[ \int_{x} p(x)T(x'|x) dx = \int_{x} p(x')T(x|x') dx\] \[ p(x') = \int_{x} p(x)T(x'|x) dx\]
Since p(x) is the true distribution. MH algorithm will eventually converges to the true distribution.
\[\begin{align*} P(I | G, S) &= \frac{P(I ,G, S)}{P(G, S)} \\ &= \frac{P(G, S|I)P(I)}{P(G, S|I)P(I) + P(G, S|-I)P(-I)} \\ &= \frac{P(G|I)P(S|I)P(I)}{P(G|I)P(S|I)P(I) + P(G|-I)P(S|-I)P(-I)} \\ &= \frac{0.8\times 0.7 \times 0.5}{0.8\times 0.7 \times 0.5 + 0.5\times 0.5 \times 0.5} \\ &= 0.69 \end{align*}\]
Iteration | I | G | S |
init | \(1\) | \(1\) | \(1\) |
1 | |||
2 | |||
3 | |||
… | … | … | … |
K |
I <- 1; G <- 1; S <- 1
pG <- c(0.5, 0.8)
pS <- c(0.5, 0.7)
pI <- c(0.19, 0.36, 0.49,0.69) ## see below for justification
for(g in c(0,1)){
for(s in c(0,1)){
cat("G:" ,g ,", S:", s, ", p(I):", pI[2*g + s + 1], "\n")
## G: 0 , S: 0 , p(I): 0.19
## G: 0 , S: 1 , p(I): 0.36
## G: 1 , S: 0 , p(I): 0.49
## G: 1 , S: 1 , p(I): 0.69
i <- 1
plot(1:3,ylim=c(0,10),type="n", xaxt="n", ylab="iteration")
axis(1, at=1:3,labels=c("I", "G", "S"), col.axis="red")
text(x = 1:3, y= i, label = c(I, G, S))
I <- rbinom(1,1,pI[2*G+S+1])
G <- rbinom(1,1,pG[I+1])
S <- rbinom(1,1,pS[I+1])
i <- i + 1
text(x = 1:3, y= i, label = c(I, G, S))
Graphical model representation of the data generative process. Shaded nodes rerepsent abserved variables, dashed nodes represent priors.
Posterior can be derived using Bayes rule:
\(var_\alpha \doteq 1/(1/\tau_a^2 + n/\sigma^2)\), \(var_\beta \doteq 1/(1/\tau_b^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2/\sigma^2)\)
\(\alpha | x_1^n, y_1^n, \beta, \sigma^2 \sim N(var_\alpha(\sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - \beta x_i)/\sigma^2 + \alpha_0 / \tau_a^2), var_\alpha)\)
\(\beta | x_1^n, y_1^n, \alpha, \sigma^2 \sim N(var_\beta(\sum_{i=1}^n \big( (y_i - \alpha) x_i \big) /\sigma^2 + \beta_0 / \tau_b^2), var_\beta)\)
\(\sigma^2 | x_1^n, y_1^n, \alpha, \beta \sim IG(\nu + n/2, \mu + \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - \alpha - \beta x_i)^2/2)\)
n = 100; alpha = 0; beta=2; sig2=0.5;true=c(alpha,beta,sig2)
# Prior hyperparameters
# Setting up starting values
# Gibbs sampler
M = 1000
draws = matrix(0,M,3)
draws[1,] <- c(alpha,beta,sig2)
for(i in 2:M){
var_alpha = 1/(1/tau2a + n/sig2)
mean_alpha = var_alpha*(sum(y-beta*x)/sig2 + alpha0/tau2a)
alpha = rnorm(1,mean_alpha,sqrt(var_alpha))
var_beta = 1/(1/tau2b + sum(x^2)/sig2)
mean_beta = var_beta*(sum((y-alpha)*x)/sig2+beta0/tau2b)
beta = rnorm(1,mean_beta,sqrt(var_beta))
sig2 = 1/rgamma(1,(nu0+n/2),(mu0+sum((y-alpha-beta*x)^2)/2))
draws[i,] = c(alpha,beta,sig2)
# Markov chain + marginal posterior
names = c('alpha','beta','sig2')
colnames(draws) <- names
ind = 101:M
for(i in 1:3){
## alpha beta sig2
## -0.06394806 1.93993716 0.54674891
## alpha beta sig2
## -0.06487311 1.93895984 0.53787251
\[R_x(k) = \frac {\sum_{t=1}^{n-k} (x_t - \bar{x})(x_{t+k} - \bar{x})} {\sum_{t=1}^{n-k} (x_t - \bar{x})^2} \]
High autocorrelation leads to smaller effective sample size.
\[\begin{align*} A(x'_i, \textbf{x}_{-i} | x_i, \textbf{x}_{-i} ) &= \min \bigg( 1, \frac{p(x'_i,\textbf{x}_{-i}) q(x_i, \textbf{x}_{-i} | x'_i, \textbf{x}_{-i} ) } {p(x_i,\textbf{x}_{-i}) q(x'_i, \textbf{x}_{-i} | x_i, \textbf{x}_{-i} )} \bigg) \\ &= \min \bigg( 1, \frac{p(x'_i,\textbf{x}_{-i}) p(x_i| \textbf{x}_{-i} ) } {p(x_i,\textbf{x}_{-i}) p(x'_i, |\textbf{x}_{-i} )} \bigg) \\ &= \min \bigg( 1, \frac{p(x'_i| \textbf{x}_{-i} ) p(\textbf{x}_{-i}) p(x_i| \textbf{x}_{-i} ) } {p(x_i| \textbf{x}_{-i} ) p( \textbf{x}_{-i}) p(x'_i |\textbf{x}_{-i} )} \bigg) \\ &= \min (1,1)\\ &= 1 \end{align*}\]